Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The one with God's unfailing love

Passage: Psalms 36:7-9
Song: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever


God's love is priceless! His love is unconditional--it does not choose among men. I feel so refreshed to once again be reminded of how much God loves me. I thank Him for his grace which is abundant for me. I am so far from being perfect. I failed him many times but truly He is the source of true joy and peace.

When I look back, I remember moments in my life when I felt so down and out. I wallowed in self pity thinking that I do not deserve the pain I experienced in my family, my work and other areas of my life. However, after I received God's love, I realized that all my experiences were helpful to my development as a person. God is molding me to become more and more like Him. Although I am sooooo far from being Christlike, my life is a living sacrifice to show His love and victory. Praise Him for all the hardships I had encountered. I believe God will never put me in a situation where I will fail but He will always make a way out for me (1 Cor. 10:13).


Dear Lord, Thank you very much for your great love and sacrifice on the cross. I believe that you truly value me so much that you saved me even when I was far from You. Thank you so much, Lord for your grace in my life. I lift up your name, O Lord. Your love is a great example for me to emulate. Lord, please teach me to love as you love. Teach me how to love others specially those who are difficult to love. I want to be more like you in my life. Let me be a walking example of your love. I commit to you my family, my work, my studies and my needs. I know that you will take care of us. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.


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