Music and Babies
Music is such a joy to share with babies. I find that my experience of naptime and playtime with both Nathan and Nicki is enhanced when there's music playing. Of course, there are certain types of music more appropriate for babies. No rock and roll just yet or they will get extremely fidgety. Here are some of my recommendations (not in order).

Miracle: A Celebration of New Life includes sweet lullabies sung by the talented Celine Dion. This album is not only a treat for the ears but also for the eyes. It features beautiful pictures of newborns shot by Anne Geddes. My favorite tracks are Miracle, If I Could and Mother's Prayer. Good for both naptime and playtime.

Bless My Little Girl by Integrity Music includes a total of 20 songs which are appropriate for playtime and naptime. Since there's a mix of faster paced music and lullabies, I would recommend it for playtime.

Hillsong Forever Instrumental Worship contains soft instrumental versions of Hillsong worship songs. I find that this is good for baby during naptimes. Aside from helping parents to bond with their child, it also bring parents to worship. Tracks I love include Carry Me, It is You and You are Near. Good for relaxation time and naptimes.

Before Sunset Soundtrack is also good if you wish to expose your baby to a little French. This album is good to use for playtime and relaxation time.
Classical music for kids are also available through the Baby Genius series but I find that using the less expensive standard classical music is more or less the same as their products.
Aldous Huxley, the famous English writer, said that "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Babies are yet to learn to talk. Using music helps us communicate as we bond with our children. What's life without music, eh?