Monday, November 14, 2005

The one with Joshua and Gaining Influence

Passage: Joshua 1: 1-18
Praise: Trust and obey

When Joshua and Caleb gave a good report of what they saw at Canaan, the Israelites did not heed their word because they lacked influence. With the other 10 spies giving a bad report, the Israelites did not believe in 2 uninfluencial spies. It is good to learn how Joshua was able to turn things around and prove himself worthy to be Moses' successor. Joshua is a good example of a man who built a strong relationship with God. He prayed a lot and he meditated on God's word. Joshua also obeyed God's specific instructions (i.e., Attach of Jericho) and has shown faith and commitment. Because of his good example, the Israelites started to see him as a leader. He gained influence from his character and not his appointed position.

From Joshua's story, I learned that keeping a relationship with God is very important in gaining influence. If one is in partnership with God, it is not difficult to do the right things and to make the right decisions. Using God's word as a lens, decision-making becomes so much easier.

In many of my old entries, I mentioned having some problems at work. Indeed, God is good because after I trusted him with the situation, He turned it around in the best possible way. I never even thought it would be possible but the Lord ways are truly higher than ours.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The one with Proper Perspective

Passage: Numbers 14:1-31
Praise: Open the Eyes of my Heart

Today's passage reminds my so much of myself. Just like the Israelites, there were moments when I grumbled against God. I desired to go back to my old life when I had a false sense of freedom. I mean, before Jesus, I believed that I was responsible for my own life. It is a good thing that Jesus, with his great love, caused me to know Him and respond to his invitation.

Why did the Israelites grumble against God? Looking through Numbers 14:1-31, it is apparent that they had forgotten the difficulty and emptiness of their past. They forgot the miracles God has done to take them out of Egypt. Other than these, they were settled in their present and were fearful of what's ahead. I realize that this reflects my attitude when I desire to go back to my old life. I start to forget about God's goodness and worry about the future. It is a matter of proper perspective. If I look to God, I can feel the security that I cannot find anywhere in this world.

Christian living is a daily walk. It is a decision to live for Christ in good or in bad times.

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see You.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The one with Christian Service

Passage: 1 Timothy 6:1-2
Worship: Make Me a Servant

It is amazing how theories on leadership has evolved from ideas of absolute authority (Authoritarianism) to ideas of service (Servant Leadership). This revolution from leading by position to leading by example and service is a welcome change in the understanding of leadership. It makes me feel proud that how the idea of leading by serving has been exemplified by Jesus way before these theories were proposed. In John 13:1-17, an account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples shows the spirit of servant leadership. It is no wonder why Jesus is the prime example of servant leadership to this day.

The passage today teaches me about Christian service. The value of excellence in service is emphasized whether my master (a.k.a. "boss") is a believer of not. In this passage, the Lord teaches me to be an example of his love even in the workplace. I can do this by striving to be an excellent worker who does not work for my own advancement but for the delight of the Lord.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The one with the Living Water

Passage: John 4:1-26
Worship: You'll Never Thirst

I heard Anointed's You'll Never Thirst yesterday for the first time and it invited me back to the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman in John 4:1-26. The meaning of life is one of history's age-old questions. The Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus has not found the answer to this question. Still, she responded positively by accepting Jesus' invitation. Jesus said these powerful words to her and who can resist Him?

"Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst--not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." (v.13-14, MSG)

I believe everyone is seeking something and as my friend, Anthony, once shared: "Everyone has a hole in his heart that only Jesus can fill." Indeed, Jesus is our living water and in him, we will never thirst again.

I thank the Lord for He has changed me in so many ways. I know that His work in my life is far from complete but everyday is a new encounter with him. It is so good to dwell in his presence and obey his precepts. I pray that He will help me to also influence others in seeing His goodness.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The one with Joshua and lessons on leadership

Passages: Numbers 13:1-33, 14:1-38, 27:12-23; Joshua 1:1-18
Praise: God so loved the world
Source: John Maxwell's The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader's Day

The long weekend has passed and it's back to work again. I praise God for my work as He has blessed me with a job where I can contribute to the well being of people, specially students. Today's passage is from the life of Joshua. When leadership is discussed in Christian circles, the life of Joshua are inevitably mentioned. There are several lessons about the nature of leadership we can learn from the life of Joshua. These are the ones that deeply touched me.

Leadership is influence. In the reading, all 12 spies were positional leaders in their tribes. However, we can see that position has nothing to do with being a true leader. It is the same in our life. Even if we have a leadership position, it does not mean that we have influence.

Leaders do no possess influence in every area. Joshua and Caleb, although filled with faith, were unable to influence the other 10 tribes to obey God. They were overpowered by the influence of the other 10 spies over these tribes.

Our influence is either positive or negative. As revealed in this account, the influence of the 10 unfaithful spies resulted in the punishment of their generation (i.e., die in the desert, walk around for 40 years). Leaders have a tremendous power to lead their followers to the promised land or to their own destruction.

Leadership is a choice, not an appointment. Although Joshua have failed in influencing the people early on in his life, he did not give up in trying to lead again. With his obedience to God and the power of the Holy Spirit, Joshua persevered and later succeeded in leading the people to the promised land. Jesus has promised us that we will be the head and not the tail. Christians are called to be leaders. It is not evil for us to desire to have a bigger sphere of influence for the sake of God's kingdom.

All of us are in a position of leadership, one way or the other. (Fathers of the home, teachers of students, etc.). I remember an exchange between my older brother and my younger brother when they were having a spat. My older brother said: "You must respect me because I am older." My younger brother responded: "Respect is not commanded but earned." In some way, I see the wisdom of my younger brother's response. To truly be a leader, one has to earn it by example. It is not the position that makes one influencial.