Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hazeline Snow is the Best!

I just have to write about Hazeline Snow.  I simply love it! My mother-in-law, who is still blooming even after 60 years on this earth, first introduced this gem to me. She gave me a small container of Hazeline Snow which she bought from Ongpin. I do not know how much but I heard it's really cheap.

My bottle of Hazeline Snow got used up fast. I just love the way it is absorbed so quickly by my skin and it does not leave an oily afterfeel. The result is a matte finish which makes the skin look and feel natural. Hazeline Snow is also a good make-up base. But the best thing I love about it is that it feels like snow! It makes moisturizing fun. =) Who said expensive stuff work best?! There are really a lot of cheap stuff that are so great. Hazeline Snow is one of them.

Oh, how I wish Unilever Philippines will bring back this wonderful product since I can only get the stuff in other countries whenever I visit. I do not really know where my mother-in-law got it in Ongpin.

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Something on Preschools

Some years ago, I went on a very important shopping trip--one for a preschool for my son. I wanted to check out the different preschools around our area. Although some people don't think preschools are necessary for their children, I am quite convinced that exposing my son to preschool will help him in his social, physical, intellectual and spiritual growth. My husband encouraged me to post what I had to say about shopping around for preschools since it may help other mothers in their search. I wish to share some things I learned about preschools and a set of questions parents can ask the principals to better help in their decision-making process.

Traditional vs. Non-traditional Setup

To make things simple, it would be a good gauge to assess current preschool setups as either traditional or non-traditional. Of course, there are so many other terms used such as progressive, integrated, learner-centered, multiple intelligences, etc. Basically, the difference lies on the curriculum.

For traditional setups, it is normally handled the way we were handled during our nursery school days. There were various subjects and lessons are taught on a per subject basis (i.e., science, math, language, chinese, etc.). Usually, young kids are expected not to be too boisterous in class ( i.e., to sit down when told, etc.). Those who are a bit more of a challenge may be given special attention but will probably be taken out of the group. The classes are very much structured and numerical grades are given based on the number of correct or incorrect answers achieved by the student on a prepared test. Tests may be a common scenario and assignments are to be expected.

In a non-traditional setup, most of the curriculum is integrated. This means that the school usually follows a thematic approach to teaching based on a given theme (i.e., usually monthly). Their subjects will contain topics or content related to a given theme. For example, if the theme for June is "Family", teachers will plan their lessons in science, math, language, chinese and other subjects with the theme family in mind. This means that in science, the kids may be taught the topic members of your family. In math, they may be taught to count using number of siblings, etc. Integrated curriculum simply means that all the subjects are taught through an approach where they all make sense together since it is not topical. Experiential learning is also given priority. As such, do not be surprised if your kid is exposed to cooking, field trips, and other activities that may not be found in traditional setups. Given that this type of setup takes more effort on the part of the teacher, a lower student-teacher ratio is expected. This also translates to higher fees. I found that the non-traditional schools usually have about 2:15 teacher student ratio. They usually have a teacher and a teacher's aide. Chinese teachers are also available in some schools.

While doing the rounds, I visited the following schools and they are more or less the same in terms of curriculum and teacher-student ratio.

Apples and Oranges (I was impressed with the facilities but not the directress. She didn't know how to answer my questions)
Mind Specialists (I was impressed with the directress but not the facilities. I was also concerned that I was able to go inside the school with ease. Security did not get my ID or anything...)
Kinder Minds (I was impressed with the directress but not the facilities. I also noticed that their school is small and they had very few students)
Early Achievers (I was impressed with the directress and the facilities were apt).

In non-traditional setups, the teachers do not give numerical grades but progress reports in qualitative form. This means that they prepare reports to show what your child has learned and how you can help your child. This is more of a partnership between the parents and the teachers.

Some Questions to Ask Principals When Shopping for Preschools

1. What is the educational philosophy of your school?
2. How old is your school?
3. Normally, after graduation, where do your graduates go for big school (i.e., elementary)?
4. Do you offer enrichment classes (i.e., E. Nopi, Chinese Classes, Taekwondo, etc.)?
5. What is your tuition fee and what are the inclusions (i.e., uniform, meal, etc)?
6. What is your teacher-student ratio?

7. What is your fetcher's policy?
8. Can you describe your curriculum?
9. What is the profile of your faculty?
10. How do you involve parents in the child's education?

I decided to send my child to Early Achievers (formerly called Granny Goose) for the following reasons (not in order): (1) They had been around for 20 years, (2) The school is close to my house, (3) The directress was impressive when I asked her my questions, (4) The facility looked good, and (5) They were caring and competent when they assessed my son.

My son is now in Grade 1 and he is enrolled in The Meridian International Learning Experience along Mother Ignacia. After his years in EALC, there was no problem in his application to big school. 

Photo Credit: Microsoft Online Clip Library

The Last Lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture went viral. So viral that he was invited to reprise his lecture on Oprah and appear on Diane Sawyer. He received so many letters and emails from people who were touched by his lecture. 

Through this book, Randy Pausch was given a new medium to communicate. A professor dying of pancreatic cancer, Randy Pausch talked about "How to Really Achieve Your Childhood Dreams". This relatively easy read is packed with life lessons and beautiful moments that make a well-lived life. Randy Pausch's quest to preserve a legacy for his children unwittingly set the course for him to leave a legacy to the world. Experience is truly the best teacher. Pausch's no-nonsense, no-self-pity attitude is something for all of us to learn from. His insights on parenting, discipline, perseverance, pride, humility and passion reminds us of things we know in our gut but too often forget. I cannot help but tear-up when he talks about what his wife of 8 years whispered to him during his last lecture. I also cried when he talks of his children and how he is saying goodbye to them without their knowledge. 

What makes the book different from watching the lecture is that Randy Pausch discusses the aftermath of the lecture. He talks of lessons he learned from the emails he received and even gives us a glimpse of applying what he learned from Diane Sawyer. But what truly struck me about The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch is the sense of humor and positive attitude the author exudes. Pausch, himself, quoted a friend who said that he is the poster boy for balancing optimism and realism. This is very true. He truly succeeded in leaving a legacy for his children. We will all do well to learn from him.