Thursday, September 29, 2005

The one with God's word

Passage: Hebrews 4:12
Song: Thy Word


I always believed that the Word of God is powerful in and of itself. Just by speaking it, reading it and meditating on it, a life can change dramatically.

Many times, even when I say that I love God very much, it seems that I don't find time to reflect on his words. Somehow, the busy-ness of life distracts me into forgetting about the importance of God's Word in my life. This is why it is so important that I discipline myself to seek God through his word everyday.

One of my favorite scripture about the Word of God is in James 1:22-24 (NIV). It says:

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

This teaches me anew about how simply listening to the Word during Sunday services is not enough, one has to respond to it. As a child of God, I need to actively seek him through his word.

The Bible is truly a book of life. Everything one needs is taken up in the Bible. It is amazing how I had spent so much time reading pocketbooks in my youth. Looking back, I feel that I could have used that time to read the greatest book of all--the Bible.


Almighty God, Thank you for your word. Truly, you have given me a guidebook for my life. Please forgive me for those times when I neglected your Word. Thank you that you I can freely hold the Bible in my country. Lord, I pray that you continue to speak to me through your word. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The one with God's unfailing love

Passage: Psalms 36:7-9
Song: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever


God's love is priceless! His love is unconditional--it does not choose among men. I feel so refreshed to once again be reminded of how much God loves me. I thank Him for his grace which is abundant for me. I am so far from being perfect. I failed him many times but truly He is the source of true joy and peace.

When I look back, I remember moments in my life when I felt so down and out. I wallowed in self pity thinking that I do not deserve the pain I experienced in my family, my work and other areas of my life. However, after I received God's love, I realized that all my experiences were helpful to my development as a person. God is molding me to become more and more like Him. Although I am sooooo far from being Christlike, my life is a living sacrifice to show His love and victory. Praise Him for all the hardships I had encountered. I believe God will never put me in a situation where I will fail but He will always make a way out for me (1 Cor. 10:13).


Dear Lord, Thank you very much for your great love and sacrifice on the cross. I believe that you truly value me so much that you saved me even when I was far from You. Thank you so much, Lord for your grace in my life. I lift up your name, O Lord. Your love is a great example for me to emulate. Lord, please teach me to love as you love. Teach me how to love others specially those who are difficult to love. I want to be more like you in my life. Let me be a walking example of your love. I commit to you my family, my work, my studies and my needs. I know that you will take care of us. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.