Sunday, October 30, 2005

The one with Martha and Mary

Passage: Luke 10:41-42
Praise: Praise the Name of Jesus

It's been a long time since I posted. The spam commenters discouraged me from posting. My husband, with his blogging prowess, did something to the settings which will lessen spam posts.

This passage about Mary and Martha's actions when Jesus visited them speaks to me about the right attitude in approaching life. Many times, we make ourselves so busy with a lot of things--work, family, church, friends, entertainment, etc. that we forget that the most important part of our life is our relationship with God. Martha was concerned about cooking and preparing things for Jesus, thus, neglecting the more important activity of actually being with Jesus and talking to him.

Jesus, in his compassion, did not correct Martha harshly (This may be seen in his double address for Martha showing concern). In the passage, I specially appreciated Jesus' statement "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Many times, our worries take our focus away from what is truly important--Jesus. In fact, if we lean on Him, there's no mountain we can't face and no problem unsolved. Because Jesus is sovereign, there is nothing to be worried about.

Praise Jesus for his gentleness, love and grace.

Prayer Request:

My father is suffering from an eye disease called glucoma. Please help me pray for his healing.


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